

Still Frame bränding

Branding for Still Frame

Branding for Still Frame Back to portfolio Still Frame makes it easier to create a video, live broadcast or virtual event and helps the client to reach their audience in the best way. A team that never rests and works until the result is finished to perfection. As you can imagine, together they formed a […]

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Pactum Collections bränding

Branding for Pactum Collections

Branding for Pactum Collections Back to portfolio Up to now, we look at this brand and the soul sings inside – how simple, how specific, how dead-on and so in the right place. Pactum Collections provides service to 20 markets in Europe and worldwide. In summary, it is a world-class collection tool based on artificial

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Rebranding for Miridon

Rebranding for Miridon Back to portfolio Miridon has been working on water purification equipment and technological solutions for over 20 years. But who among us does not know this brand – in one way or another we have all been exposed to them. The joy was all the greater when we were part of their

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Newspaper Layout Design for Haapsalu Neurological Rehabilitation Center

Newspaper Layout Design for Haapsalu Neurological Rehabilitation Center Back to portfolio Haapsalu Neurological Rehabilitation Centre (HNRC) is a rehabilitation hospital that focuses on helping children and adults with neurological problems. Designing a layout to a periodical newspaper is an ambitious undertaking. But we like challenges, and each publication allows us to broaden our horizons in

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Branding for Rannahotell

Branding and different Promotional Materials Design for Rannahotell Back to portfolio If to Pärnu, then always to Rannahotell – at least that’s how it is with us, because we know and can appreciate their commitment and top quality from working with their team. If Rannahotell had a logo before meeting us, now they also have

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Package Designs for Horticom

Package Designs for Horticom Back to portfolio Horticom has been active in the wholesale of horticultural and agricultural goods on the Estonian market for 25 years and has relied on Vestmint as their design partner for several years. Together we have designed hundreds of labels, dozens of packages, and everything else that a large company

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Flexibility, mobility, and speed allow us to be a reliable partner both locally and globally.