

Teeviit veebidisain

Rebranding and Web Design for Teeviit

Teeviit rebranding ja web design Back to portfolio Teeviit is a nationwide youth information service that gathers and mediates information on education, learning, work, career, relationships, mental and health, environmental and social topics through the website and social media channels. What made the project challenging was that the new hood had to be designed as

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Mesika bränding

Branding for Mesika

Branding for Mesika Back to portfolio The Mesika brand spoke to us immediately – the man behind it is like an orchestra and it inspires. When you are so multi-talented and nice at the same time, it is easy to dive into a project. The logo was quickly ready and had instantly the face of

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Medical Unit logo disain

Logo Design for Medical Unit

Logo Design for Medical Unit Back to portfolio If medicine, then the iron rule says that red. Not always. But the subconscious says so. In the case of Medical Unit, we played with different shades of red and the result is a bright, but at the same time deep tone. The field is indicated by

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Vector bränding

Branding for Vector

Branding for Vector Back to portfolio In the case of Vector, once again it can be said that simplicity is the charm. A brand that in its simplicity seems concrete and soft at the same time. The choice of colours, contrasts and air space create a combination, suitable for use on both formal and more

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Võta ühendust

Paindlikkus, mobiilsus ja kiirus võimaldavad meil olla usaldusväärseks partneriks nii lokaalselt, kui globaalselt.

Let's talk!

Flexibility, mobility, and speed allow us to be a reliable partner both locally and globally.